
Showing posts from March, 2024

Perk up, it's spring

 March Madness, Opening Day, The Masters & April Showers The early months of spring are certainly eventful in the athletic landscape, and I am going to outline the five best things athletically about the weather turning. 5) Running and biking outside - Hibernating through the winter, long distance athletes can finally come out of hiding once the calendar turns to March and April. I even see the people who may not be built for long distance sports out doing their best. These athletes better get their workouts in while the weather is still bearable, because once the months turn to June/ July it will be too hot to run outside. 4) Golf and Tennis season - Tennis outside has the same problem running and biking outside has, it gets too hot during the summer.  The best time to play is during the spring and fall. With that, tennis calls for great exercise and a lot of fun when you are competing against someone close to your skill level. Golf is great because you can play with anyone as lon